Our Favorite DIY Tools

Teaching Aids has something for every budget. Our PDF printables are typically discounted 30% from their physical counterparts. This means you can affordably build your instructor toolkit right from your home printer!

Here are some of our favorite tools for making your printables longer-lasting and more durable for everyday use. All of these are under $35.

Scotch Thermal Laminator —$34


Laminating Sheets 3 mil (regular thickness) —$12


Laminating Sheets 5 mil (super thick) —$15


Avery Self-Adhesive Laminating Sheets (no machine required) —$9


Velcro Dots 0.5 inch —$15


Velcro Dots 1 inch —$13


Fiskars Paper Cutter —$27

Fiskars Cutting Mat —$8


Binder Rings for Flashcards —$8

Swingline Hole Punch —$7

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